
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Run, Fat Boy, Run

One of the other things I am doing besides just cycling is running when I can.  I figured that I would try and do the Couch to 5K program and see how if it would work.  I am running this currently in a pair of Vibram Five Finger KSOs that I purchased years ago when they first came out. 

So far it has been good.  I really have enjoyed the first two run/walk sessions.  It is just enough that I am not dead afterwards, but I still feel like I did something.  My pace has already quickened ever so slightly and I could tell from the first session to the next that I was already getting a tad stronger.  The first run I could tell I was getting a little tired around mile one.  My legs were very tired and sore the next day.  A lot of that has to do with the Five Fingers and the proper running technique for them.  My calf muscles were not loving it, but I was loving what it was doing to them! 

Today, however, I was fine and didn't really start to get too fatigued until I hit the hill that leads back up to where I live.  Baby steps....but these are good baby steps and hopefully leading to a healthier life.  Here are the stats from the first two run/walk sessions for the Couch to 5K program.

Day One
Day Two

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