Fat Kid Cycling is all about a fat kid who decided to try and lose some weight and get in shape. I will mainly be focusing on my weight loss through cycling and running. I hope to share what works for me and what hasn't worked for me.
I am tired of being overweight and out of shape and how to change that. This blog will hopefully in some way keep me accountable with having people check in on my progress. If you have any suggestions or questions feel free so ask here. I ask that you leave your judgement behind as you check out what is going on here.
Current weight is right around 270 pounds. My ultimate goal would be to drop to 200 pounds, but that is a huge goal. I am going to try and take it one step at a time by creating smaller goals for myself.
I am currently a young adult pastor at a local church in the Philly area. I have an amazing beautiful wife and one totally awesome daughter. Let the weight loss begin!
So how is it going? Don't stop posting